Monday, January 25, 2010

funny words on 1/4th century

this is funny post for my bday (so far) :)

by merry moy, followed by some of ndasku-ngelu ganks (on fb)---THE BEST THREAD... hahaha

by stephen lauw a.k.a SEWELL:
(what i like here is the word "expiration date" wkwkw--- baca dr bawah ya)

by sopit:

by peters:

Onde onde nasi liwet
Didapat dari kota makasar
Happy b day my bro Juwet
I believe your days be shinning star

Gadis manis dari Daha
Tak lelah mata kita memandang
Laris manis kerja dan usaha
Agar kita ditraktir sampai kenyang

Selembar sutera dari Cina
Buah tangan tanda mata
Tersebar doa cita mimpi dan cinta
Semoga segera jadi Nyata

Happy Juwet day, Monday 25 Jan 2010


By ajez:

(in phone)

Ajes (A): haloooo (dgn suara ngantuk)
Juwt (J):yoooo... (dngan suara smangat)
A: oooo iyo han thank you....
J: hahahaha.. happy birthday yo
A: o iyooo thank you... (masi ngantuk)
J: makin bertambah hikmatnya dan mengasihi Tuhan lebih lagi ya
A: o ameeenn
J: ya wes happy bday
A: oke thanks han


(kalo ga ngeh apa lucunya perhatikan siapa ngomong apa) hahahaha


emmychen said...

hahahahhha dodol percakapan yang trakir..

wet wet sorri yaa telat ngomongnya... i do really sorry huhu :)

happy bday and wishing u always da best!! hugssss!!

Aditya Pandu Satria said...

@emmy: it's okay dear.. hehehe...

sbagai hukuman bikinin sbuah tulisan dedicated to me hahahaha (katane its okay tapi ngasi hukuman hahaha)

emmychen said...

hehhehe disini aja yaaa..

I barely know this friend
we met only once or twice
but he left a good impression
one that hardly to be forgotten

now that it's his birthday
I am wishing this special friend
a sweet blessed year ahead
for him to be succeed
in everything he does
for him to reach his dreams
and live his colorful life to the fullest

happy birthday Aditya
the juwetboy
it's a mark of precious:
friends that get along in the heart forever :)

Emmy Chen

Dina Febriana said...

Mbanyol soro percakapan e.. wkkwkww