Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shit happens *sigh*

Shit happens!!
yeaaah SHIT happenss... arrghhh i really really had this annoying and disgusting...

what u are about to read contains dirty words.. when i say dirty.. i really mean it!

okay.. here the story comes

last monday, Annex Building Ground floor
we had Performing Art Ministry practice just as usual. aku baru pulang dari seharian bekerja, ngeprint lah, nganter mock up lah, presentasi lah, bla bla bla... that day was a verry busy day.. dan aku udah izin untuk dateng telat si sbnernya. but fortunately i was there and the practice was just about to begin..
after a few moves and practices i feel uncomfortable with my clothes.. i think i left my short at my car. trus kuambllah baju dan clana buat ganti.

pas mau masuk ruangan latihan kembali, aku ngrasa kbelet pipis.

ah pipis di wc sini aja de (di luar ruangan). abis pipis. "ah ganti disini aja de skalian"
masuklah aku ke salah satu bilik
baru buka baju, aku ngrasa kok baunya ga enak ya... (hahaha telat) trus ya udah lah cpet2 aja...
dengan stgh buru buru kutaro tas di deket pintu (sharusnya jauh dari toilet dong.. aman laaaah)
makin lama bau itu makin nusuk.. wah makin paniklah aku... makin buru buru ganti baju

pas slesai, ku angkat tas dan sgala kunci henpon dll
STGAH MAMPUS aku kaget.... di kunci mobil dan henpon itemku nampak seonggok kuning2
reflect langsung aku jinjing tuh barang, cuci di washtafel...
ga pduli itu henpon ato remote mobil

untungnya henpon ada silicon case nya... jadi ga sampe nempel hp... silicon ku tarik sampe sobek dan kubuang sketika....

aku mncoba untuk ga panik... tarik napassss... waduh ga bisa.. gmana tarik napaas?? baunya man astaghfirulaaah....

singkat crita brhasil kubersihkan smuanya itu

tapi pikiran ttg bau dan trauma itu mlekat... sejak itu, latihan hari itu ga tenang
tiap ada break dikit aku ke washtafel untuk cuci tangan dan cuci hidung
ntah brapa kali kuambil sabun dan cuci tangn...
OOOOhhhh that was a bad day

that's what i call SHIT HAPPENS!!!'

then i learned something...

in life banyak org bilang Shit happens... tak terelakkan..
so what should we do if shit happens in our life??

1. Preparation...
org lama bilang sedia payung seblum hujan. imagine that i didnt cover my cell with the silicon case. That shit would over my cell.. and i think i would pour it directly to the water... dan u will know the story... yep.. bakal rusak lah!!!
in life this preparation is vey needed..
Planning and precautions makes u ready to face anything.
Prayer and relationship is one of the greatest Preparation.

2. Calm Down
yah.. satu kesalahan ku di crita tadi adalah aku ga brhasil calm down, dan akirnya kusiram smua tanpa mikir itu henpon bisa rusak kek... untuuuung ada silicon case nya.... kalo ngga berabe laaah...
in a very unpredictable problems.. we have to think clearly... THINK! dont feel...

Keep a clear head. Emotions make you sloppy-Sylar, character in heroes series 

misal say this to urself: "no matter how Great is ur problem, My God is much GREATeR"

3. Remember this: "God never gives u a bigger problem than ur capacity"
hahaha... i think i found this fact a lil bit funny and jorok... masak kblepotan tai dibilang masuk dalam kapasitasku hahahaha... believe me i have already face similar case.
my childhood was at a small village named Ambulu (my mom and dad still lives there until now), in Jember region.  I used to love playing soccer in the field near my Elementary School.
and.... this field is back to back with farms.
Farmers always had their goats, sheeps, cows in this field to feed them
And off course u know, when animals eat, they poo
nah kalo kita maen bola disana itu ga ada yg namanya pake spatu... jadi ya uda pasrah dan ktawa ngakak kalo ada salah satu dr kita tb tb nginjek ranjau....
langsung lari ke rumah Andi Mbah, deket skolahan persis. untuk cuci kaki.

so i think karena aku pernah ngalamin berbagai macam pengalaman jorok, i guess i can still live facing that SHIT HAPPENS case hahaha....
bukan brarti aku siap untuk ngadepin kasus serupa.. NO NO NO NOOOOOO.... please God, take away this temptation hahahaha

Shit happen in ur life?
consider it as a lesson
a level up process

"remember, when u face an uncomfortable situation, than be ready, u're about to grow"
-johny herjawan-

may this story bless u more rather than disgust u

have a fruitfull day


emmychen said...

omg... shit does happen.. but on me it's not shit--literally :P

and yess.. it's very important if you're ready for anything. be calm, think clearly. that's the key..

btw itu tainya sapa sihhhhh kok bisa nempel dsitu?? jijik bangetttt wekss~~

ch said...

shit happens on your way to heaven. Demikianlah sabda abang Adhi :D :D

angsiaufang said...

hahaha.. congratz for your shit wet....
what a shitty experience..... XD